Ilia Muhammad Ilia Muhammad


How can people overcome racism when the most important facts and truth about racism are being censored? How can people know the truth when those who can prove the truth are banned and de-platformed from public discourse? Ilia Rashad Muhammad gives insight.

How can people overcome racism when the most important facts and truth about racism are being censored? How can people know the truth when those who can prove the truth are banned and de-platformed from public discourse? Ilia Rashad Muhammad gives insight.

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Ilia Muhammad Ilia Muhammad

Gardening is Revolutionary AF!

The simple act of natural gardening is so revolutionary that it threatens the big corporate giants’ control over the people.

Ilia Rashad Muhammad (aka the Africanized Beekeeper) promotes natural gardening as one of the most revolutionary acts we can engage in during these uncertain times.

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Health, Education, Politics Ilia Muhammad Health, Education, Politics Ilia Muhammad

NOI & Black Health vs The Merchants of Death

The Nation of Islam’s Impact on Black Health vs the Merchants of Death


Because the NOI has a history of improving the health and lives of Black people, our good health threatens the merchants of death.☠️ Click the image to see why Big Pharma and the corporate giants banned this video from YouTube.

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